Monday, March 16, 2015

The Fifth Smooth Truth For Worship

David had the last word in the “truth talk” with Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:47. It was literally the last word that Goliath heard before the last thing that he saw, which was the rock from David’s sling. What David said in 17:47 is one of the foundational truths for worshiping the Father in spirit and truth. He said, “…that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands.”

Young David was teaching both armies that day, as well as King Saul, that there is a greater purpose in battle than victory for “our side.” The greater purpose is the revelation of the living God. Each of the five smooth truths from this story shares this in common. Together they reveal who God is and His desire to be known and trusted.

Quick review: The first truth is from 17:26. There is only one true and living God and David saw himself as the humble servant of the LORD, not as a servant of king Saul. David’s confidence flowed from living in the strength of His Master. The second truth is from 17:37. God protects His shepherds when they fight for His sheep. The third truth is from 17:39. God is a Person and worship is personal. There are no substitutes for serving and worshiping God. The fourth truth is from 17:45. God’s Name is His character and strength. And the fifth sums up the other four; this is all about God being known as SAVIOR, not with man’s strength, weapons, or tools, but in His Name and power alone! The purpose, the destination of worship, is God and God alone being known!

As you learn to become a true worshiper, the Father will be known more and more as the loving, forgiving, saving, almighty God that He is. As you worship the Father in spirit and truth, the Lord Jesus Christ is lifted up more and more. It was the Lamb, having been slain, standing that John saw in the midst of the throne in Revelation 5:5 – 8, as he witnessed the eternal worship service in progress.

Today, commit yourself to become a true worshiper of the Father, in spirit and truth. Confess to God your earnest desire to learn the meaning of worshiping the Father in spirit and truth. Know and embrace the purpose, the revelation of the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who was slain and rose again on the third day! Hallelujah!!!

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