Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Third Smooth Truth For Worship

Much can be learned from David about becoming a true worshiper. He was the worship leader of Israel from the time he was just a boy. Becoming a true worshiper, one who worships the Father in spirit and truth, is a learning experience. And learning is personal. There are no substitutes for learning. Only you can learn. No one can learn for you.

The third smooth truth from the story of David and Goliath, found in 1 Samuel 17, teaches the simple truth of worship from personal experience and learning. As young David stood before the king, Saul tried to put his armor and weapons on David for the fight with Goliath. When Saul put his armor on David it says, “And he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them.” The phrase “tried to go” is the Hebrew word ya-al, and means to try to please another without success.

David allowed Saul to dress him in his armor, but David knew that it was Saul’s and not his. David knew what God had given him and he had developed the skill (hokmah) of how to use it for God’s glory. He would defeat Goliath with what God had given him, not with what Saul had to offer.

When you present yourself before God as a true worshiper, you come before Him as yourself, dressed in what He has given you, and nothing else. You can learn from others, but others cannot worship for you, or like you. Worship is personal. Worship is unique in that regard. The Father is pleased when you worship Him with who you are in Him and with what He has given to you in and through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!

This is the third smooth truth for worship; knowing who you are in Christ and presenting yourself to God with what He has given to you in Christ. This is your true self and this is what it means to worship the Father in spirit and truth.

Today, think about a song God blessed you with in the past. Maybe the message of it ministered to you at a time of need or maybe it was simply one that God gave you for Him. Think about the meaning of the words and phrases of the song and give them to the Father from you, the true you, and worship the Father in spirit and truth.

Tomorrow, the fourth smooth truth from the story of David and Goliath.

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